The Valley, 1989

The Valley (Page 10)
by William Burroughs
to catch snakes and lizards.
Some devote themselves to exercises to escape from the body and soar out of the Valley. The Soarers receive extra rations of grifa, but many face that they are simple lazy parasites.
"Well man I gotta get it together, you understand?" And they go on getting it together, as light comes and goes, babies are born and old men die.
There is no possibility of sending messages out of the Valley tied to the leg of a bird. We don’t even know what that is or where we are. And we have tried smoke signals, but we must ration our meagre supply of fuel.
The Soarers are into mind-to-mind sending. One of them rigged up a contraption with a piece of quartz crystal and some wire he had made by putting certain rocks in a fire and some bright nodules melted and