- Curriculum: Art | Art Criticism | Computer
- Age/Grade: Elementary 3 | Middle School | Above 14
- Subject: Multi-Media | Drawing | Sculpture | Exhibition
- Materials: Pencils | Paint | Markers
- Institution: SWest Newton Elementary
- Location: Newton Indiana
- Duration: 1 - 2 Classes
Students transform unique shaped bottles in clever Haring Art designs.
Students research Keith Haring and his art . A mini art reprt is inserted into the bottle for Art history Lesson information . The bottle itself is transformed into a piece of Haring inspired art.
Visual prints of Harings works
Books about haring
Glass or plastic bottle
Paint markers
Spray paint
Lined writing paper
Newsprint paper
Students will select a bottle of their choice , glass will work best . All labels are removed . Careful selection is made by student to determined what piece of Haring art will be used on the bottle. Students will practice drawing with pencil on newsprint paper art works that inspire them . The glass bottle can be spray painted a white back ground if student chooses. Paint pens will be used to paint the image onto the bottle . Let sit and dry when finished .
Students will use computer resources to write a mini 1 page report on Haring. This will be rolled into a the shape and placed in bottle .
Students will present bottle and report to peers.
Is grafitti art?
Who is Keith Haring? and why is he so famous?
What is considered POP - ART?
Literacy , art history in a bottle resources for students to view
Art show to showcase student work
Art in our community