Drawing with Wire

Drawing with Wire

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Students at PS183 in New York, learn how to draw with wire, as part of the bodies in motion workshop


Slide List
1) Subway Drawing, Keith in subway, 1984
2) Subway Drawing, 1983
3) Subway Drawing, 1983
4) Subway Drawing, 1983
5) Untitled (Alien), 1980. sumi ink on paper. 23”x35”
6) Untitled, 1982, black felt-tip marker on paper. 19”x14”
7) Untitled, 1980, ink, enamel and spray paint on board. 48”x46”
8) Untitled, 1981, vinyl paint on vinyl tarp. 6’x6’
9) Keith Haring in studio painting tarps, 1982.
10) Untitled, 1984, acrylic on canvas. 3’x3’
11) Untitled, 1982, Vinyl ink on vinyl tarp, 144 x 144
12) Untitled, 1982, Vinyl ink on vinyl tarp, 72” x 72”
13) Untitled, 1982, Vinyl ink on vinyl tarp, 72” x 72”
14) Keith Haring in studio painting.
15) Pop Shop billboard on Houston Street, 1989
16) Messages to the Public, January 1982. NYC
17) Keith Haring painting the Berlin Wall, 1986.
18) Untitled (Self-Portrait), 1985, acrylic on canvas. 4’x4’
19) Keith Haring painting mural in Dusseldorf, 1987.
20) KH in Ernest Elementary in Iowa City, 1989.
21) KH painting AIDS mural in Barcelona, 1989.
22) Untitled, 1986, Acrylic on canvas, 60” x 60”.
23) Untitled, 1989, Guache & ink on paper, 38” x 50”.
24) Keith, 1984
25) Untitled (Green Man), 1986, acrylic on cardboard. 5”x10”x9”
26) Discussing “Figure Balancing on Dog”, 1989
27) Keith Haring with “Yellow Arching Figure” (unpainted), 1985
28) Large sculpture replication of study above—??
29) Untitled, 1988, Sumi ink on paper, 30” x 44”.
30) Untitled, 1988, Sumi ink on paper, 38 ¼” x 50”.
31) Untitled, 1988
32) Untitled, 1989
33) Untitled, 1989
34) Untitled, 1989
35) Untitled, 1989
36) Untitled, 1989
37) Untitled, 1989
38) Untitled, 1989
39) Untitled, 1989
40) Untitled, 1989
41) Untitled, 1989
42) Untitled, 1989
43) Untitled, 1989
44) Untitled, 1989
45) Untitled, 1989


slide projector
wire cutters
some shiny paper
regular paper
stereo and music


After showing images of Keith Haring’s work, discuss how music played a role in his painting process.

Step 1
Have one person from each family volunteer to stand up. Place some music in the stereo and ask each volunteer to dance while the music is on and then freeze in position when it is turned off. The volunteer remains frozen for the other family members to draw from different perspectives. Rotate volunteers and repeat. Do this a few times until each person has a few drawings to work from, and has had the opportunity to dance.

Step 2
Working from their favorite drawing, ask each person to form their drawing in wire. As the wire sculptures develop, introduce other materials to accentuate movement, color, and line.

