- Curriculum: Art | Community Service | Social Studies
- Age/Grade: Elementary 2 | Elementary 3 | Middle School
- Subject: Drawing | Exhibition
- Materials: Oil Pastels
- Institution: Wildground Junior School
- Location: Southampton, England
- Duration: 2 - 3 Classes
These students from the UK learned all about Keith Haring before they began their own interpretive pastel posters. Afterwards, they wrote their opinions, reflecting on the imagery and their knowledge of Keith Haring. They posted it on their school web site for everyone to enjoy.
To familiarize students with Keith Haring's work and concerns.
To help students learn and master a new medium- pastel.
To allow students the freedom of expression while learning how to assimilate Haring's style into their own.
Year Six have been spending a lot of time studying the American artist Keith Haring. We have found out that he first started drawing using chalk on black advertising boards in the New York Subway. He soon became very popular with the public. They thought that his art work was simple yet fun.
Keith Haring was devoted to children. He worked with children in schools and hospitals, he donated his artwork to these places, and he created books and posters to educate children and to help their causes. Children are naturally drawn to Haring's artwork, which speaks to them very directly. We have tried to understand his style in our own art work.
Can you describe the style of Keith Haring's art?
(Clue: What things are the same in these pictures? Colours? Shapes? Details?)
How has each student made their artwork look different and unique?
How does it feel to see your artwork on-line?
What are some of the possibilities of being able to share your work in this way?