- Curriculum: Art
- Age/Grade: Middle School
- Subject: Drawing | Sculpture
- Materials: Mixed Media | Pencils | Markers
- Institution: Children's Village
- Location: Dobbs Ferry, New York
- Duration:
Boys from Children's Village learn about Keith Haring's work, and make their own drawings and sculptures inspired by his style and sensibility.
To learn about Haring's work.
To use art as a form of therapy and emotional release.
To practice sequential problem-solving.
To experiment with new tools, materials, and technical processes.
Postcards & books of Haring's art
Construction paper
Twisteez or other bendable sculpting wire
Wire clippers
Aluminum foil
Cardboard (to place figures on)
Sculptor and teaching artist Helen Graham Gurney lead a sculpture and drawing workshop in McAlister Cottage this Fall at The Children's Village in Dobbs Ferry, NY, with several 14 year old residents.
The objectives were to teach the boys about Keith Haring's style of art making, to use his symbols as inspiration for the formation of their own work, to allow them exploration of the use of wire and metal to form three dimensional objects, and to create a sculpture depicting action the way Keith Haring's paintings depict action.
The goal was for each boy to create a finished metal sculpture depicting a figure in action. Although few boys actually created the sculpture they became very engaged with Haring's imagery of action and enjoyed creating two dimensional worked inspired by it.
Children's Village's web site.