- Curriculum: Art Criticism | Language Arts | Social Studies
- Age/Grade: Elementary 3 | Middle School | Above 14
- Subject: Drawing | Writing | Analysis and Theory
- Materials: Pencils
- Institution: Riverbed Media
- Location: New York, New York
- Duration: 2 - 3 Classes
A writing lesson that asks children to determine questions to elicit interesting and revealing biographies of other children.
Children will determine questions to elicit interesting and revealing biographies of other children.
Interviews in children's magazines.
Paper and pencil or word processor on computer.
Read and discuss questions for Keith.
Read other interviews.
Children discuss which questions are most interesting.
Children create their own list of questions as a group.
Children write their own responses to interview questions.
Children illustrate some of their responses, either by bringing in photos from home or by drawing.
Children share interviews with class.