- Keith Haring Murals in San Sebastián
- Keith Haring Murals
- Come To Know Keith Haring
- Organ Systems Mural
- City as Canvas: Artist Spotlight
- Printing with Objects
- Mural Making in the Style Of Keith Haring
- Subway Graffiti Project
- T-shirt Designer
- Keith Haring Semiotics Poster
- Introducing Keith Haring
- Discovering Keith Haring
- Haring Inspired Mural
- All Bottled Up!
- Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
Subject | Collage
Heart Collage
A simple lesson designed for younger students. Perfect for Valentines or Mothers Day.
Big Hat People
Influenced by Keith Haring's book, BIG, this lesson explores clothing and the adjectives we use to describe and differentiate them.
Marbling a la Haring
Using the process of paper marbling, this teacher has found a way to help students deconstruct and compose their own abstract compositions.
Haring Mural
Illinois 3rd Graders learned about Keith Haring and then created a mural together, with Haring as our inspiration.
The Tarpaulin Project

A lesson that practically guarantees great results AND a low budget! The Tarpaulin Project was developed by the Education Staff at the Art Gallery of Ontario in an effort to help students become more familiar with Keith Haring's work and working methods while cultivating students' ability to express emotions on a visual level.