- Keith Haring Murals in San Sebastián
- Keith Haring Murals
- Come To Know Keith Haring
- Organ Systems Mural
- City as Canvas: Artist Spotlight
- Printing with Objects
- Mural Making in the Style Of Keith Haring
- Subway Graffiti Project
- T-shirt Designer
- Keith Haring Semiotics Poster
- Introducing Keith Haring
- Discovering Keith Haring
- Haring Inspired Mural
- All Bottled Up!
- Thinking about Drawings as Symbols
Subject | Film
This lesson, similar to our Flip-Book lesson, is designed for children to explore movements and perform them as the different characters in Haring's work, emphasizing transitional poses and personal expression.
Flip Books
This lesson, similar to our Morphs lesson, is designed for children to examine the visual quality of movement in Haring's work, emphasizing sequence and time.
Crayon Rubbing Flip Book

This flip book lesson is designed to make learning about animation a more tactile, fun experience for young learners by eliminating tracing and bringing the line to life. Students will use their hands to gradually bend and reshape a line (floral wire), while recording this experience using crayon rubbings. The sequential crayon rubbings will become frames for their flip book.
This lesson is originally designed to accompany a math lesson about closed shapes, giving students an experience with the formation of flat sides, curves, and angles.