- American Beauty
- An Afternoon with Keith, 2005
- Bathed in Heraclitan Fire
- Between Politics and Mythology, 2005
- Body Language: Keith Haring an…
- Conversation with Keith Haring, 2005
- Conversations
- Disegno e Colore: The Reconcil…
- Drawing the Line: The Graphic …, 2005
- Funny How Things Turn Out
- Haring – Art in Transit
- Haring All-Over, 1999
- Heaven and Hell
- His Art Is His Life, 2005
- Introduction To Art In Transit
- Keith Haring, 2005
- Keith Haring and Czech Art
- Keith Haring, An Intimate Conv…, 1989
- Keith Haring: Art and Commerce
- Keith Haring: In The Moment
- Keith Haring: The Diamond, the…, 2005
- Keith Haring. A Great Artist, …, 2005
- Keith’s Kids, 1997
- Kid Haring, 1997
- Memories, 2005
- Milan, 1984, 2005
- No Boundaries, 2007
- O Livro da Vida, 2010
- On the Shoulders of Giants. Ke…, 2005
- Paradise Garage, 2001
- Radiant Eros: Keith Haring and…
- Requiem for the Degas of the B…, 1990
- Sex is Life is Sex
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hel…
- The Radiant (Christ) Child, 2007
- The Ten Commandments, An Inter…, 1985
- Thou Shalt Be a Bit Rude, 2001
- Untitled, 2005
The Valley

The Valley (Page 16) by William Burroughs The Corners formed a rock group called "Glowing Corn" and became fabulously wealthy. When they stopped eating the contaminated corn the disease was arrested. They resorted to plastic surgery. The other Valley people …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 15) by William Burroughs was not directly contagious, but resulted from some substance in the corn or in the soil upon which it was grown. But the substances defied isolation. Finally the Valley people were released, and …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 14) by William Burroughs form of radiation sickness. However, neither the corn itself nor the lesions responded to the most sensitive and advanced radiation detectors. The investigators concluded, "If radiation is the etiological factor, it is some …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 13) by William Burroughs "We’ll contact Atlanta." Gingerly they tossed out some food packages. A strict quarantine was imposed… Soldiers were stationed around the Valley. Armed helicopters stood by to turn away any attempt to approach the …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 12) by William Burroughs One day it happened. We heard a roaring noise overhead and looked up to see what looked like the legendary dragonfly, hovering there in the sky. We wailed and shouted. The craft hung …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 11) by William Burroughs ran out. These he pounded into thin strands, and he formed fish gills into caps for his ears and ran the wires from the crystal unit to the ear caps. With the ear …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 10) by William Burroughs to catch snakes and lizards. Some devote themselves to exercises to escape from the body and soar out of the Valley. The Soarers receive extra rations of grifa, but many face that they …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 9) by William Burroughs Soon the rot sets in. They wake up spitting teeth and blood and pus. It is time for them to learn the ancient songs and music, time to start making their instruments. They …
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