- American Beauty
- An Afternoon with Keith, 2005
- Bathed in Heraclitan Fire
- Between Politics and Mythology, 2005
- Body Language: Keith Haring an…
- Conversation with Keith Haring, 2005
- Conversations
- Disegno e Colore: The Reconcil…
- Drawing the Line: The Graphic …, 2005
- Funny How Things Turn Out
- Haring – Art in Transit
- Haring All-Over, 1999
- Heaven and Hell
- His Art Is His Life, 2005
- Introduction To Art In Transit
- Keith Haring, 2005
- Keith Haring and Czech Art
- Keith Haring, An Intimate Conv…, 1989
- Keith Haring: Art and Commerce
- Keith Haring: In The Moment
- Keith Haring: The Diamond, the…, 2005
- Keith Haring. A Great Artist, …, 2005
- Keith’s Kids, 1997
- Kid Haring, 1997
- Memories, 2005
- Milan, 1984, 2005
- No Boundaries, 2007
- O Livro da Vida, 2010
- On the Shoulders of Giants. Ke…, 2005
- Paradise Garage, 2001
- Radiant Eros: Keith Haring and…
- Requiem for the Degas of the B…, 1990
- Sex is Life is Sex
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hel…
- The Radiant (Christ) Child, 2007
- The Ten Commandments, An Inter…, 1985
- Thou Shalt Be a Bit Rude, 2001
- Untitled, 2005
Kid Haring

Kid Haring, by Ingrid Sischy – “Keith Haring’s struggle for recognition as a “serious” artist was not won in his lifetime. But he is the kind of lively figure who calls the importance of “seriousness” into question. The real communities that nourished Haring had little to do with dealers, curators, collectors, or critics. Despite the flashes of support from art powers, the safety, comfort, and sense of connection that freed him and spurred him on came from the work itself, kids, other artists, and the life he found in the heart of gay New York.”
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O Livro da Vida

The Book of Life, published on the occasion of the Keith Haring exhibition touring Brazil (July – November).
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Requiem for the Degas of the B-boys.

The weird boxed and numbered [New York] space we live in is already fantasy. Artists have only to start with what’s there and give it a few fillips fo the truly fantastic to emerge. – John Ashberry, Reported Sightings Keith’s …
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Thou Shalt Be a Bit Rude

For a generation of 80s art lovers, Keith Haring’s work summed up New York cool. Andy Warhol, Elton John and David Bowie were collectors of his paintings; Madonna, Grace Jones, Dennis Hopper and William Burroughs were among his many friends. …
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