- American Beauty
- An Afternoon with Keith, 2005
- Bathed in Heraclitan Fire
- Between Politics and Mythology, 2005
- Body Language: Keith Haring an…
- Conversation with Keith Haring, 2005
- Conversations
- Disegno e Colore: The Reconcil…
- Drawing the Line: The Graphic …, 2005
- Funny How Things Turn Out
- Haring – Art in Transit
- Haring All-Over, 1999
- Heaven and Hell
- His Art Is His Life, 2005
- Introduction To Art In Transit
- Keith Haring, 2005
- Keith Haring and Czech Art
- Keith Haring, An Intimate Conv…, 1989
- Keith Haring: Art and Commerce
- Keith Haring: In The Moment
- Keith Haring: The Diamond, the…, 2005
- Keith Haring. A Great Artist, …, 2005
- Keith’s Kids, 1997
- Kid Haring, 1997
- Memories, 2005
- Milan, 1984, 2005
- No Boundaries, 2007
- O Livro da Vida, 2010
- On the Shoulders of Giants. Ke…, 2005
- Paradise Garage, 2001
- Radiant Eros: Keith Haring and…
- Requiem for the Degas of the B…, 1990
- Sex is Life is Sex
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hel…
- The Radiant (Christ) Child, 2007
- The Ten Commandments, An Inter…, 1985
- Thou Shalt Be a Bit Rude, 2001
- Untitled, 2005
The Valley

The Valley (Page 8) by William Burroughs Fire is a problem, but we have the burning crystals. Occasionally there is a feast, perhaps two large snakes have been killed and one fish can be spared. On these rare occasions the …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 7) by William Burroughs the precise limitations of needs. The fish, the grifa, the nettles, the ants, the lizards and the snakes, the moss from the edge of the cliffs, the birds, everything is precisely doled out. …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 6) by William Burroughs and on this the Corners excel. They sing through their rotting gums, a strange viscous sound, exquisitely sad, a lament of living protoplasm, and they strum delicate instruments of feathers and fish skin …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 5) by William Burroughs The Valley is narrow, only six hundred yards across at the widest point, so that there is sun in the valley for only a few hours each day. They have developed a strain …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 4) by William Burroughs then the current caught it, wafted it upwards, further and further, almost up to the vast overhangs now, as the scales of the fish and snakes and lizards caught the late sun and …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 3) by William Burroughs crank, carefully constructed of the lightest fish bones. He would hold the wood out testing the air, and the wood would seem to be an extension of his hands, gnarled and twisted by …
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The Valley

The Valley (Page 2) by William Burroughs Maybe, some say, they will be seen, and people will lower ropes. There is a legend that one man built a flying machine from lizard, snake and fish skins sewn to a frame …
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The Valley

The Valley Colophon "The Valley" is a group of etchings by Keith Haring with text by William S. Burroughs. The portfolio consists of sixteen etchings drawn by the artist in April of 1989, in his New York studio. The images …
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