- American Beauty
- An Afternoon with Keith, 2005
- Bathed in Heraclitan Fire
- Between Politics and Mythology, 2005
- Body Language: Keith Haring an…
- Conversation with Keith Haring, 2005
- Conversations
- Disegno e Colore: The Reconcil…
- Drawing the Line: The Graphic …, 2005
- Funny How Things Turn Out
- Haring – Art in Transit
- Haring All-Over, 1999
- Heaven and Hell
- His Art Is His Life, 2005
- Introduction To Art In Transit
- Keith Haring, 2005
- Keith Haring and Czech Art
- Keith Haring, An Intimate Conv…, 1989
- Keith Haring: Art and Commerce
- Keith Haring: In The Moment
- Keith Haring: The Diamond, the…, 2005
- Keith Haring. A Great Artist, …, 2005
- Keith’s Kids, 1997
- Kid Haring, 1997
- Memories, 2005
- Milan, 1984, 2005
- No Boundaries, 2007
- O Livro da Vida, 2010
- On the Shoulders of Giants. Ke…, 2005
- Paradise Garage, 2001
- Radiant Eros: Keith Haring and…
- Requiem for the Degas of the B…, 1990
- Sex is Life is Sex
- The Marriage of Heaven and Hel…
- The Radiant (Christ) Child, 2007
- The Ten Commandments, An Inter…, 1985
- Thou Shalt Be a Bit Rude, 2001
- Untitled, 2005

Text: Willliam S. Burroughs, Edition: 90 Page 5Skyscrapers scrape rents of blue and white paint from the sky, shredding, peeling, nitrous ochres and red eat through bridges, which fall into the rivers splashing colors across – my back I always …
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Text: Willliam S. Burroughs, Edition: 90 Page 4The household appliances revolt: washing machines snatch clothes from the guests, bellowing Hoovers suck off makeup and wigs and false teeth, electric toothbrushes leap into screaming mouths, clothes dryers turn gardens into dust …
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