Street Art and Hopscotch

Street Art and Hopscotch

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The project was split into several lessons. At the beginning the pupils got some information about Keith Haring We created some colorful Keith Haring paintings on the break court in front of our school. There are now two big paintings, where the children can do hop-games. The other paintings show typical school subjects like art.


Develop teamwork

To expose students to art practices outside of a classroom setting.

To allow students to assimilate Haring's sensibilities into their own understanding of color, line, and shape.


pencils, paper, paintbrush, acrylic paint, painting supplies, chalk, special street paint,


A brief talk about Keith Haring's work, showing images from books and the HaringKids website.

Draw sketches on paper

Choose drawings to transfer to street.

Create grid on paper and street and transfer drawing to street.

Paint street art.

